Правила для авторов / Instructions to authors | |
1. Manuscripts submitted in electronic form, either attached to an e-mail sent to the editor: streltzov@mail.ru or on the CD sent by mail at the address: Alexandr N. Streltsov, Department of zoology BSPU, Lenina str. 104, Blagoveshchensk, Amurskaya Oblast, Russia, 675000. 2. Attachment or CD should contain a text file titled by the surname of author/corresponding author and (if needed) graphic files titled by numbers according to their order in the paper body. 3. Text format should be Microsoft Word 97 or later versions. A paper’s content should be arranged as follows: 1) Title in Russian (or English if the paper is written in English). 2) Initials and surname of author(s) in Russian (English). 3) Author(s) surname and initials and title in English (Russian) in brackets. 4) Author(s)’ postal address in Russian and English, e-mail address. 5) Key words – maximum 15 words 6) Summary (Резюме) in Russian (maximum 200 words). 7) Summary (maximum 200 words) in English. 8) Text, arranged by the following parameters: font Times New Roman, size 10, page А4, head and marginal edges 2 cm, bottom edge 2.5 cm. 9) References, arranged according to example (item 7). All necessary translations into Russian for foreign authors will be done by editors if necessary. Author can also provide a summary in national language other than Russian or English; it will be published in author’s wording. 4. Dates should be given as dd.mm.yyyy (e.g. 29.08.2008); only standard abbreviations are used; males and females in collection data lists denoted with symbols ♂ and ♀. Latin names of species and genera are in italics; the authority and year of description of species should be given on the first occasion of its mention. 5. Line drawings should be prepared in tif, jpg or bmp format, scanned at a minimum resolution 600 dpi with maximum size 12x16 cm. Captions to the illustrations should be listed on a separate page; legend supplied in both Russian and English. Details are denoted with lower-case letters. Colour illustrations and half-tone photographs are expensive to print; authors may be asked to contribute to the cost. 6. References in the text should be given in brackets as follows: ‘Smith [2000] says that…”, [Smith, Brown, 2000], if more than two authors [Smith et al., 2000], [Smith, 2000; Brown, 2005]. 7. References to the sources cited in text should be listed at the end of the paper in alphabetical order, first in Cyrillic ant then in Latin alphabet, as in the following example: Гришина Л.Г., 1978. Эколого-фаунистическая характеристика панцирных клещей Северного и Центрального Алтая // Г.С. Золотаренко (отв. ред.): Членистоногие Сибири (серия Труды АН СССР, Сиб. отд-ние, Биол. ин-т). Вып. 34. Новосибирск: Наука, СО. С. 6-31. Малышев Л.И., 1965. Высокогорная флора Восточного Саяна. М.-Л.: Наука. 368 с. Штанчаева У.Я., Нетужилин И.А., 2003. Обзор мировой фауны орибатид семейства Scutoverticidae (Acari, Oribatida) с описанием новых видов // Зоол. ж. Т. 82. № 7. С. 781-803. Fixsen I.H., 1849. Lepidopteren-Verzeichniss der Umgegend von St.-Petersburg. Moskau. 40 s. Golosova L.D., Karppinen E., Krivolutsky D.A., 1983. List of Oribatid mites (Acarina, Oribatei) of the Northern Palaearctic region. II. Siberia and Far East // Acta Ent. Fennica. Vol. 43. P. 1-14. The abbreviations of the titles of journals should be strictly in accordance with the World List of Scientific Periodicals. 8. In the end of paper after two lines from the text author(s) should denote full name, scientific degree, actual job, contact phone numbers, contact e-mail address. This information will not be published, but used by editor for working with authors. 9. Text should be carefully checked by author(s). Proofs are not provided. The editors reserve the right to adjust the style to certain standards of uniformity. 10. There is no page charge, and formal reprints are not provided. Each author will receive an issue of journal and a PDF file of the paper after publication. 11. Manuscripts not prepared according to these instructions will not be accepted. All submitted materials are not returned. |