Stratifying drift sampler
| 3-8 PDF
Astakhov M.V. |
Two new water mite species of the genus Arrenurus Dugès, 1834 (Acariformes: Hydrachnidia: Arrenuridae) from Russia
| 9-16 PDF
Tuzovsky P.V. |
Forelia japonensis nom. n., a new replacement name for the water mite Forelia orientalis Tuzovskij, 2003 (Acariformes: Hydrachnidia: Pionidae)
| 17 PDF
Tuzovsky P.V. |
Insects of the Onon-Balj National Park (Mongolia)
| 18-25 PDF
Korsun O.V., Akulova G.A., Gordeev S.Yu., Gordeeva T.V., Budaeva A.A. |
Microlepidoptera of Omsk Province. First report. Families Ethmiidae, Cryptolechiidae, Depressariidae, Chimabachidae, Oecophoridae, Autostichidae
| 26-30 PDF
Lvovsky A.L., Knyazev S.A. |
On the taxonomic status of Ebulea simplicialis Bremer, 1864 (Lepidoptera: Pyraloidea, Crambidae, Pyraustinae)
| 31 PDF
Streltzov A.N. |
New findings of macromoths (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Macroheterocera) in the Nature Reserve Bolshekhekhtsyrskii (Khabarovsk suburbs) in 2011
| 32-49 PDF
Dubatolov V. V., Dolgikh A.M., Platitsyn V.S. |
New records of rare geometer moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) in Novosibirskaya Oblast
| 50-53 PDF
Vasilenko S. V., Ivonin V.V. |
Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Arshantyn-Nuruu Range (Western Mongolia)
| 54-60 PDF
Yakovlev R.V. |
Fauna and natural history of bees from the genus Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793 (Hymenoptera: Colletidae) in Amurskaya oblast
| 61-68 PDF
Ignatenko E.V. |
Trophic relations between bees (Hymenoptera: Apiformes) and host plants in Amurskaya oblast
| 69-75 PDF
Ignatenko E.V. |
The first records of Dolichopus ptenopedilus (Dolichopodidae, Diptera) from Russia and Mongolia with description of its female
| 76-78 PDF
Maslova O.O., Negrobov O.P., Selivanova O.V. |
Ontogenetic variability of dorsal fin coloration in the Lower Amur grayling Thymallus tugarinae (Thymallidae)
| 79-82 PDF
Mikheev P.B. |
Birds of the Lunsko-Nabilsky sector of the North-Eastern part of Sakhalin Island. Message 1. Abundant species
| 83-96 PDF
Gluschenko Yu.N., Kalnitzkaya I.N., Korobov D.V. |
New records of the Amur wildcat (Felis euptilura) at the south-east of Amurskaya oblast
| 97 PDF
Babykina M. S., Antonov A.I., Kastrikin V. A. |